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About Us

There were once three Quakers who worked together to make a difference.

Quakers Logo - Glebe House

In 1965 due to the pioneering work of these Quakers: David Wills, David Clark, and Geoffrey Brogden, Friends Therapeutic Community Trust opened its doors. These three were among the first Trustees, and ever since then Quakers have served as Trustees.

Friends Therapeutic Community Trust, better known now as Glebe House puts into practice therapeutic community principles – communalism (living and working together), permissiveness – now called tolerance (difficult issues can be explored, though boundaries have to be set), reality confrontation (facing up to the impact of destructive behaviour) and democracy (how to contribute to a consensus, and abiding by decisions taken).


Together these provide a safe environment for the exploration of difficult issues to support change and pro-social behaviour. Trustees, consultants, staff and residents all create a partnership with a culture and value system that is expressed through these four cornerstones. 

Our History Timeline


David Clark, David Wills and Geoffrey Brogden work together to establish and open Friends Therapeutic Community Trust.


Boswell and Wedge Research for Longitudinal Study


Independent Special School status agreed


From February 2021, first exam results following Independent Special School Status

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