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An Environmental Journey

The first step on any environmental journey is to create a baseline. To think about where you need to be and where you are. My heartfelt thanks to Nikki Carr at The Woodland Trust who provided amazing information and support.

I love the idea of adding to the Ancient Tree Inventory (helping the Woodland Trust with the documentation in recognising the value of the UK's ancient tree population, which is all vital in working towards a goal of seeking stronger protection for ancient and veteran trees). I was also fascinated to learn about carbon in woodland habitats being stored in the soil and most thrillingly of all, the Tree Tools for Schools, which our boys will enjoy participating in.

If we, at Glebe House can consider how we might help to create new woodland, or simply inspire people to plant and enjoy the benefits of woodlands, we will be fighting Climate Change together.

Glebe House Environment
The incredible environment surrounding Glebe House


Glebe House Friends Therapeutic Community Trust


Phone: 01799 584359

Shudy Camps, Cambridgeshire,

CB21 4QH.

Charity No: 1124673

Company No: 6525659


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