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In It Together

Working collaboratively.

Next week is set to be a busy one. No doubt many of you reading this will be preparing to attend the Children's Commissioners' Conference on 23rd and 24th June. This year, Glebe House will be presenting a workshop session with Amberleigh Care:

“Effective evidence-based residential group models for young people with trauma-based Harmful Sexual Behaviour”

So, why did we chose to present a workshop with our competition? Simple. We don't operate as competitors, so for us this was an easy decision. When you understand that true collaboration makes use of a range of skill sets, resources, expertise and perspectives, you can achieve better outcomes and greater impact.

Glebe House and Amberleigh Care are the only accredited Therapeutic Communities in the UK working with adolescents with Harmful Sexual Behaviour and have over 74 years of specialist residential childcare experience between us.

Our workshop will be providing an overview of the history of therapeutic communities, focusing on the work of Glebe House and Amberleigh Care - the benefits of the therapeutic community group-living approach for developing and role modelling healthy relationships, appropriate use of power and pro-social development.

If you're interested to know how the approaches to 'therapy' have become more systemic, making greater use of keyworking and group approaches, or the development of different therapeutic pathways based on need and ability - how these work in a multi-disciplinary service, and placement progress tracking with focussed links to independence skills development - you should probably attend this workshop. What we do works, is proven to work, come and find out how.


Glebe House Friends Therapeutic Community Trust


Phone: 01799 584359

Shudy Camps, Cambridgeshire,

CB21 4QH.

Charity No: 1124673

Company No: 6525659


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