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What We Do

Glebe House is a specialist residential service for young males aged between 15-18 at point of referral, who have a history, and/or significant risk, of harmful sexual behaviour.


For those who have been convicted, we offer an alternative to custody, or a post-custody/release option proven to reduce the risk of re-offending.


For those not in the Criminal Justice System we offer an intervention that supports young people to safely self-manage in the community.


Other than persistent/significant fire setting, there are no specific exclusion criteria for accepting referrals; each case is considered on its own individual merit.

For any referral enquiries please contact:

01799 584359

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Overview of Services

Glebe House is a registered Children's Home, running as a Therapeutic Community; we also have a registered independent special school. This is part of the not-for-profit Quaker-led Charity, Friends Therapeutic Community Trust.

Client Group

As well as the primary issue for referrals as outlined above, several other related features are also commonly present. Most, though not all, of those referred/admitted will have suffered a high degree of traumatic and adverse childhood experiences; they often struggle with the experience of being cared for. In addition, a significant number present with long term difficulties around education/learning and/or neurodevelopmental issues.

How the referrals process works

The process offers a careful assessment of matching and management, to provide bespoke programmes of therapy, treatment, care, education and transition.


To ensure a stable environment, we do not accept short-term placements, as we offer a minimum 2-year programme to maximise the benefits for our community.

Our Intake Process


Why Glebe is effective - research and evidence

With nearly 60-years of therapeutic provision, and 600 young people engaging with the Glebe House Programme, we have repeat referrals and regular recommendations nationally, and internationally.

Our study demonstrated a reduction in the type and extent of problems identified at the start of a placement with key lifestyle changes and a cessation of Harmful Sexual Behaviour. 

Terms and Conditions

Fees are fully inclusive and fixed for the duration of each individual placement. The Trust always strives to ensure our fees are competitive in a changing world of commissioning and contracting practices.

Legal Status

Glebe House is a Therapeutic Community registered with Ofsted. We are inspected annually. A company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (Company No. 6525659) and Registered Charity No. 1124673

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